
Showing posts from September, 2021

Orthopaedic Doctor’s Tips - How to Keep the Bones Strong as You Age

  Our body's skeleton system performs some important functions throughout our lifetime. It protects our critical organs and works as a pillar of support for our body's framework. Bones also aid in the storage of minerals like calcium and phosphorus, as well as supporting the muscles for mobility. Our bones undergo a series of modifications from birth through old life. By the age of 30, bone mass density has reached its maximum level. Following that, it tends to lose more bone mass than it gains. Osteoporosis is a common illness that affects people as they get older. Bones become brittle and fragile in this disease. According to the best orthopaedic doctor in Newtown , adults over the age of 50 are more likely to suffer from weakness or brittleness of bone. Are there any Risk Factors Certain risk factors may work as a stimulant for the onset of osteoporosis early in life. Risk factors include a lack of vitamin D and calcium in the diet, lack of physical activity, being underweig

Orthopaedic Tips – Managing Back Pain Caused by Sitting Still

  Back discomfort can be caused by excessive physical activity, hard lifting, and other strenuous activities. You may be unaware of the back pain that can result from prolonged sitting. According to the best orthopaedic doctor in Newtown , patients have complained that their discomfort started in March, right around the time the COVID-19 outbreak broke out. People who work from home cannot maintain regular habits, resulting in more sitting in places of the house that are not suited for work. Many people may not have a designated workplace with a table and chair. Consequently, individuals frequently spend long periods of time in uncomfortable seats with bad posture. Sitting is one of the worst positions for the discs in the low back, according to studies. When you sit still for a long period, you put more pressure on your discs, which can cause them to “herniate.” It's critical to get medical advice to ensure that you're moving in ways that support recovery rather than aggravati