Orthopedic Guide for Travelling after Knee Replacement Surgery


When can I travel?

Do you love to travel around but are currently chained to your bed, recovering from a knee replacement surgery? The only question which might be running in your head may be – “How long do I need to rest?” or “When can I go out?”.


“It depends,” says an orthopedic surgeon in NewtownSome people can travel as soon as six weeks after surgery, while some will need a few months to recover and rehabilitate. It also depends on where you want to go and what mode of travel you plan to take. 

You may be willing to head on with your friends on a road trip. However, without proper care, it might be damaging to your knee and affect the overall success of the surgery. 

Here are some tips from the best Knee replacement surgeon in Salt Lake to make your journey safe and comfortable.

knee replacement surgery

Protocols to follow when flying

  • Choose a bulkhead or aisle seat, so you have room to stretch your legs. 

  • Ask for wheelchair assistance if you are not in a condition to walk on your own. 

  • Let the security agents of the airport know that you’ve had knee replacement surgery recently. 

  • Dress comfortably and rest well before the flight.

  • Try to avoid standing for long periods

  • Do not put pressure on the recovering knee. 

  • Try to get up after every 30 minutes and walk for a while 

  • Stay hydrated while flying.

Protocols to follow during long drives

  • Sit in the front passenger seat. It will give you some extra room to stretch your legs. 

  • Incorporate frequent stops to get out and stretch and walk during the road trip. 

  • Ask your physical therapist or doctor for light exercises or movements that you can do while sitting in the car to facilitate movement and blood flow.

If you must travel after knee surgery, consult your doctor and create an 

individualized plan that minimizes risks.



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