Orthopedic Surgeon Explains Everything About Water On The Knee


Our body joints are filled with fluids that help in quick joint movements. When you injure your knees, your body produces extra fluid to guard your knees against complications; this excess fluid is called knee effusion, says the top orthopedic surgeon in Rajarhat.


orthopedic surgeon in rajarhat



Usually, water on the knee only affects one knee. You may feel heaviness in the joint and it will look more bloated than the other knee. The symptoms of this condition are:

  • Redness and swelling of the skin surrounding your kneecap

  • Stiffened joint and difficulty bending or straightening your leg

  • Tenderness and pain, especially when you put weight on your knee

  • The knee will feel warmer than the other knee

Water on the knee can make it difficult for you to walk, climb stairs, or engage in other everyday activities.


According to the best orthopedic surgeon, the reasons causing water on the knee varies from person to person. 

  • Your weight and age can also have an impact on the extent of knee effusion

  • If you have arthritis or a torn ligament, the probability of fluid retention increases

  • Sometimes, knee injuries might develop an infection, which can lead to knee effusion

Diagnosis before treatment

Tests like X-rays, ultrasound and MRI help doctors to understand the reasons for fluid retention. Additionally, these tests rule out the probabilities of fractures, arthritis and other ligament-related problems. 


It is required to get proper treatment to put a stop to fluid buildup. If the treatment is delayed, it can lead to loss of muscles in the thigh. The common treatment options to reduce fluid buildup include:


It is a treatment option to extract damaged tissues from your knee. It helps in mending your knees. It is a minor process that begins with making a small cut on your knee joints. The cut is made to insert a lighted tube in your joint to have a clear look at the damaged area and then begin with the treatment.


If you cannot put weight on your knees or have intolerable knee pain, your doctor may suggest you to undergo knee replacement surgery.

Your doctor would want to know the exact reason for your joint pain and review the symptoms. After a diagnosis of water on the knee, he would decide a treatment option, says the best orthopedic surgeon in Newtown.


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